Puppy-Proof Your Home
Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting time for any dog owner. However, it can be stressful too, especially for setting up your home for your new puppy. Goldendoodles are popular because of their cute personalities, hypoallergenic coat, and love for humans. Whether you are bringing home a puppy for your family or yourself, it is essential to make sure your home is ready for them.
Puppies are naturally curious and can get into all sorts of trouble, especially if left unsupervised. Your priority should be to puppy-proof your home. Make sure all wires and cables are out of reach that toxic substances such as cleaning products and medications are stored in a secure place. Also, remove small objects such as toys and shoes that your puppy might swallow as they can cause serious health problems.
The list below isn’t complete by any means, but it will help you start thinking about home safety for your pup.
Puppy Proof for Indoor Dangers
Keep toilet lids down
Make sure your trash cans have covers
Make sure all plants are out of reach or safe for dogs. Even if plants are out of reach, you may want to make sure your pup isn’t in the same room as toxic plants as their leaves can fall and puppies can grab those
Lock up cleaning supplies, chemicals, and medicines or put child-proof locks on your cabinets
Use outlet covers and cord wraps to keep your puppy from chewing on cords
Keep hazardous foods and human/puppy treats secure
Secure breakable objects and put shoes, bags, and backpacks out of reach
Get oven knob and burner covers if your puppy will be big enough to climb on counters,
Keep remote controls in covered baskets/containers
Look for small items that could be choking hazards or cause intestinal blockages
Keep your puppy away from the cat litter box
Puppy Proof for Outdoor Dangers
Double-check that your fence is secure
Cover or gate off pools and spas
Keep common chemicals, such as antifreeze, pesticides, weedkillers, and fertilizers, locked away
Mow your lawn to prevent ticks
Avoid using cocoa bean mulch, which can be toxic to dogs; also be aware other types of mulches, even if non-toxic, can be ingested by curious puppies and cause blockages.
Check for sticks and other items that could cause splinters or blockages
Make sure your plants are safe for dogs
These tips will help you create a safe space for your puppy to explore and play in. It might take a little extra effort, but knowing your pup is protected is worth it.