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What you Need to Know to Keep Your Pet Safe from Poisoning

Most pet owners know the basics of keeping their pets healthy and safe, but there are some things that may surprise you. Did you know, for instance, that many everyday items can be toxic to your dog? In order to keep Fido safe and healthy, it’s important to be aware of these potential toxins so you can prevent accidents. Let’s take a look at some common items that could be poisonous to your pet.

Human Medication

We all have medication in our homes, from ibuprofen or acetaminophen for headaches to prescription medications for chronic conditions. But did you know that many human medications can be dangerous for dogs? If ingested, even small amounts of ibuprofen or acetaminophen can cause serious health problems in pets, including liver failure and death. Additionally, even if a medication is safe for humans it may not necessarily be safe for dogs—it’s best to check with your vet before giving any human medication to your pet.


Xylitol is an artificial sweetener found in sugar-free foods like gum and candy as well as in toothpaste and mouthwash. It has been shown to be beneficial for humans because it helps reduce dental plaque; however, xylitol is extremely poisonous for dogs if ingested. Even small amounts of xylitol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, coma, and sometimes death. Be sure to store anything containing xylitol out of reach of your pet where they cannot accidentally get into it!

Household Cleaners and Chemicals

Household cleaners such as bleach or toilet bowl cleaner contain chemicals that are harmful if ingested by animals—in fact, these products should never really be consumed by anyone! To keep your pet safe from accidental ingestion of these products make sure they are stored away from areas accessible by your dog (such as under the sink). Additionally, avoid using products with strong odors when cleaning around them (like scented candles or air fresheners) since animals have much more sensitive noses than we do and these odors can irritate their eyes and throats.

Keeping your furry family member safe should always be top priority for any responsible pet owner. While most people know about the basics like avoiding chocolate or grapes (which are also toxic!), there are a lot of other everyday items which may surprise you with their potential toxicity levels towards pets. By being aware of these common dangers in the home environment we can ensure our furry friends stay happy and healthy!



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